GoXam for WPF v3
LayoutChange Enumeration
Northwoods.GoXam.Layout Namespace : LayoutChange Enumeration
This enumerates the reasons that a layout may no longer be valid when a particular Northwoods.GoXam.Part has been added or removed.
public enum LayoutChange : System.Enum 
Added A node, link, or group membership has been added.
AllAll LayoutChange flags combined together, except for InitialOnly. Caution: due to the likelihood of frequent layouts, this is basically only used to indicate to Invalidate that a new layout should be performed unconditionally.
DiagramLayoutChangedThe Layout property value has been replaced. There is no Northwoods.GoXam.Part associated with this change.
GroupLayoutChangedThe Layout property value has been replaced on a group.
GroupSizeChanged The size of a group has changed.
InitialOnlyWhen this flag is included in the DiagramLayout.Conditions, no layouts will occur after the initial one, unless the layout is invalidated unconditionally.
LinkAdded A link has been added to the diagram.
LinkRemoved A link has been removed from the diagram.
MemberAdded A member node has been added to a group.
MemberRemoved A member node has been removed from a group.
NodeAdded A node has been added to the diagram.
NodeLocationChanged The location of a node or group has changed. Caution: this is rarely used, due to the likelihood of frequent layouts.
NodeRemoved A node has been removed from the diagram.
NodeSizeChanged The size of a node (that is not a group) has changed. Caution: this is uncommonly used, due to the likelihood of frequent layouts.
None No particular reason for an layout invalidation.
Removed A node, link, or group membership has been removed.
StandardAll of the Added and Removed flags, plus DiagramLayoutChanged and GroupLayoutChanged, but not NodeSizeChanged and NodeLocationChanged and InitialOnly. This is the default value of DiagramLayout.Conditions. It corresponds to all of the graph-structural changes and layout replacements.
ViewportSizeChangedThe size of the ViewportBounds has changed, either because the Northwoods.GoXam.DiagramPanel has changed size or because the Scale has changed. This only applies to the top-level layout, the Layout.
VisibleChangedThe Visible property has changed on a node or a link.

These flags values may be combined to provide the DiagramLayout.Conditions under which a DiagramLayout may be invalidated.

You can combine these values in XAML too -- just say: <go:TreeLayout Conditions="NodeAdded LinkAdded" ... />

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Northwoods.GoXam.Layout Namespace