GoXam for WPF v3
Model Property (Diagram)
Northwoods.GoXam Namespace > Diagram Class : Model Property
Gets or sets the Northwoods.GoXam.Model.IDiagramModel that organizes the data to which this diagram is bound.
public IDiagramModel Model {get; set;}

Property Value

The initial value is an instance of Northwoods.GoXam.Model.UniversalGraphLinksModel. If you want to data-bind this property, set HasDefaultModel to false.

Replacing this value causes all of the bound Nodes and Links to be deleted and re-created from the new model data. The value of NodesSource (and possibly LinksSource) will be updated too.

Models may be shared by multiple Diagrams. One common approach is to have two Diagrams displaying the same Model but using different DataTemplates and sometimes even different Layouts.

See Also


Diagram Class
Diagram Members